Why women should increase their intake of plant-based protein

healthy eating nutrition

Protein plays an important role in the health of our immune system, hormones, skin and muscle mass. Dietary protein is particularly important for women around menopause to support bone health, muscle mass and body strength, and plant-based protein specifically has been found to lower cholesterol – another plus point for women who have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease post menopause.

A study published by The Journal of the American Heart Association found that eating just one or two servings of plant-based proteins in place of animal-based proteins a day can help to reduce cholesterol. If you’re someone who is thinking about trying to get more plants into your diet then this is a simple swap to make.

Many plant-based proteins also contain soluble fibre that slows the digestive process, slowing the release of glucose from your food and therefore helping to keep blood sugar nice and steady, providing you with energy throughout the day. And, plant-based foods are generally considered better for the environment with lower requirements for water, land and energy - there are many benefits associated with eating more plants!

When considering plant-based protein it’s good to think about a variety of different sources. Typically, plant-based proteins contain less protein per 100g that fish or animal equivalents and only a few contain the complete profile of amino acids, for more information about this, read this article on what you should understand about dietary protein.

It’s a good idea to combine plant proteins to make sure you are getting the full 9 essential amino acids and to benefit from a diverse range of other nutrients on offer from these foods.

For some ideas on which plant foods are good sources of protein check out this post I shared recently on Instagram.

Want to understand more about dietary protein? Read this short article here. 

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